About Donna

My Focus
I want to help you get results by improving your nutrition while also healing through methods of self-care strategies, to balance your emotions, strengthening gut-flora, improving sleep & lower stress levels.
I Value Your Time
Life is busy. Society today seems to demand we have to do it all. I too pack it all in with a full-time job & becoming a solopreneur. I get it, that’s why the time we spend together will be meaningful, knowledgeable and powerful. You will come away with useful knowledge that you can incorporate into your daily life now

I help people transform their health goals into long lasting habits using food as medicine focusing on your hormones, gut health and adrenal support.
I know how frustrating it can be to live each day like it’s a chore, forcing yourself out of bed in the morning, often with a headache and having to push through the day on coffee (and likely sugar, and processed foods). You tossed and turned all night, not being able to shut off your brain. Waking up, thinking about everything you still need to get down. It is overwhelming and often feels like no one understands. I do. I get it. Without getting all scientific on you – it’s our hormones, digestion and our adrenal glands that are working and fighting with one another. Sound weird? It’s actually quite simple. Our adrenal glands regulate our stress response through the synthesis of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Excessive cortisol in the body affects thyroid hormone production. The continuous over production of these hormones can suppress immunity, negatively affect digestion, and increase both blood sugar and blood pressure.
I want to help you re-balance your life – by re-wiring your digestion and endocrine system to play nice, and yes I can assist in doing that through eating the right foods, and taking the right supplements.
More about me:
I grew up on a small farm were we had a large vegetable garden, chickens, and horses. My grandfather had a pig farm next door, a cousin had a dairy farm, and my uncle did grain farming. There was always fresh, natural, farm raised food on the table.
As I graduated school, started a family, and moved to the city, I soon took the rural life for granted. Working long hours in a corporate job, raising a family, I found the convenience of processed foods, and take out an easy option. After a broken marriage, weight gain, sleepless nights, headaches, irritability, I realized that this life was not for me. I knew I needed to get health and fitness back into my life, in fact, I met the love of life at the gym. In 2008 I got certified as a personal trainer with Can-Fit Pro and did some personal training on the side of my corporate job. I soon realized that nutrition was the base for all activities in life, to working long stressful hours, to weight training, running marathons and just day-to-day living BUT like everyone else, I did not always follow that thinking.
Working long hours in the corporate world, raising a family, running a business, made my adrenal glands work in overload. I was always in 'Fight or Flight' response, which was triggering the sympathetic nervous system. (This fills our bodies with energy, which keeps us going, but makes our digestive system and our hormonal system work in overdrive constantly.)
In 2021, I had my first panic attack...WOW those are not fun. I spent hours in the hospital thinking there was something wrong with me, but everyone telling me just to relax, and breathe, that I was fine. FINE, I was not fine....long story short, every test my doctor did (and she did them all) came back 'normal' and I had to admit that I was having panic attacks. This made me take a look at my life, priorities and make some changes.
So here we are, and I am dedicated to help you not get to this point. To realize that small changes in your diet, supplements and your lifestyle can lead you on your journey to a healthier life.
Let me help you Discovery your place to Wellness.
In Good Health, Wellness, and Love
Donna Rivard

I Value Sincerity
I am compassionate and understanding to your health concerns, but I am not here to sugar coat it, or fill you with stories grander.
Life and health can be a challenge but I strongly believe that one of the first steps in creating positive changes in our lives is about being honest with ourselves and with those of us on this journey.

I Value Results
Real Results. You will not hear me say the word diet...I don't believe in fad diets or quick fixes that give you fast results because they don't last, they are unsustainable and can do harm to your body and your mind. I want to work with you to attain long-term lifestyle healthy habits to create the life that you want.